Found this chair by Nanna Ditzel at the Copenhagen Museum of Design and combined the photo with some videos of the grand lady regarding her Tivoli chair.
Slow Chair designed in 2000 by Søren Ulrik Peterson for PP Møbler, who say about him: His training as cabinet maker and his education the Danish School of Design have been decisive for this reccurrently prize-winning designer. His work is thus characterised by the confident hand of the craftsman, an eye for detail, and thorough … Continue reading "pp911 Slow Chair by Søren Ulrik Petersen"
Juliette is a small récamière (bed bench) designed for the french brand Jardin Pamplemousse. I was curious who commented to my page Top Inspiring Chair Design Blogs and -sites and there was Tristan Noirot-Nerin: Tristan’s passions? Arts and drawing. Since his childhood he has boosted his creativity while exploring museums and finding his way among … Continue reading "Juliette Daybed by Tristan Noirot-Nérin"